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The Korsaks` Museum together with the MYPH school of conceptual and art photography have prepared for you an exhibition project of 13 authors and 25 video projections – “DEPTHS OF THE PSYCHE”

The Korsaks` Museum together with the MYPH school of conceptual and art photography have prepared for you an exhibition project of 13 authors and 25 video projections – “DEPTHS OF THE PSYCHE”.

Where: Korsaks` Museum of Modern Ukrainian Art

When: March 1, at 5:00 p.m

We are waiting for you at the event!

The concept of archetype was originally proposed and introduced into the scientific circle by Carl Gustav Jung. Psychology interprets the archetype as a single collective subconscious, and culturology recognizes this concept as the main element of culture that forms the moral imperatives of spiritual life.

The archetypes encoded in our subconscious undoubtedly have an important influence on the formation of our beliefs, behavioral patterns and emotional responses. These universal symbols and images that exist in the collective consciousness of humanity reflect basic human experiences, desires and fears. They are concentrated even in the deepest recesses of the human subconscious and can influence our perception of the world without our own influence. Archetypes can be seen in our thinking, dreams, creativity, dreams, etc. For example, the mother or father archetype can make us feel protective and caring, while the hero archetype inspires self-improvement and overcoming obstacles.

Archetypes, based on the deepest aspects of our mental life, can become the key to revealing and developing our potential. Thus, studying the influence of archetypes on the subconscious can help us better understand ourselves and the world around us. 

Delving into the subject of the human psyche through artistic practices is of particular importance, as art can be an extremely powerful tool for reflecting and understanding the most diverse aspects of the human psyche. The depiction of archetypes, plots and emotions through art is intended to provoke deep reflections and feelings. Art can give visual expression to abstract or complex concepts such as emotions, dreams, phobias, or the shadow aspects of the psyche.

MYPH is the heart of artists whose visions and creative insights are aimed at expanding the circle of consciousness and understanding of contemporary conceptual and artistic photography. Using modern approaches to the understanding of philosophical questions, the school of conceptual and art photography MYPH offers the viewer the exhibition “Depths of Psyche” for joint self-reflection with reference to the inner worlds of the human psyche through the presentation of archetypes and plots in art.

On January 27 at 5:00 p.m., the Korsaks` Museum will host a presentation of Somari’s works “Several ends of the world after that” within the framework of the youth art platform “ENTER”

On January 27 at 5:00 p.m., the Korsaks` Museum will host a presentation of Somari’s works “Several ends of the world after that” within the framework of the youth art platform “ENTER”


Somari is a contemporary futurist artist whose visual art style is an offshoot of post-graffiti. Current artistic practices of the artist are centered around the creation of the plot and mythology of her own universe. This fantasy world is the author’s assumption of the birth of a new civilization, which could hypothetically develop as part of a singular scenario after the end of the world. In the center of the plot is a story about a technologically advanced civilization and a unique plant world. In the center of the plot is a story about a technologically advanced civilization and a unique plant world. The story delves into the conflict between the attempts of intelligent beings to dominate and control nature, playing the role of creator, and the preservation of culture, roots and identity. Each subsequent project will outline storylines and add new details to this world.

The canvases presented on the “Enter” art platform are dedicated to the scenes of the research of these fictional heroes. Visually, they look like a frozen frame of a moving visual element. Through these plots, the artist wants to reveal the context and introduce the viewer to the prerequisites of the author’s story, that is, it will be a kind of prequel.

The following plot develops on the canvases: three characters, researchers, study a strange flora that has evolved by growing metal parts due to the threat of the advance of technological civilization. A fourth mysterious character, who is the reincarnation of the most famous image of the artist outside of this story, watches the development of events. These scenes immerse you in the mythology of the virtual world and are the beginning of a story, the beginning of a great exploration, an adventure, as well as a reflection on the relationship between technology and nature, between an intelligent being and the environment.

On these canvases, viewers can see only a two-dimensional image of a multidimensional world of the distant future. There are controlled errors in volumes and perspective in the image, due to the fact that the laws of perspective that we are used to do not work in this world, so this is how all attempts to visualize multidimensionality on a flat object will look.

The title: “Several ends of the world after that” refers to the explanation of when and how the existence of such a fantastic and unlike any other world is possible.

Oleg Davydenko’s project “Manuscripts”

On November 24, at 5:00 p.m., the Korsaks` Museum will host the opening of Oleg Davydenko’s project “Manuscripts”

We invite you!


Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1

“Adrenaline City”

Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00

Sat-Sun: 11:00-20:00

066 142 51 18

Presentation of Bohdana Patsyuk’s installation “Bunker”

On December 9 at 5:00 p.m., the main hall of the Korsaks` Museum will be updated with Bohdana Patsyuk’s installation “Bunker”!

We invite you to the opening

ADMISSION to the event is FREE!

Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1

“Adrenaline City”

Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00

Sat-Sun: 11:00-20:00

066 142 51 18

A presentation of works by Kseniia Ko / IDIKOMNEKO from the ‘Empathy’ project as part of the ‘ENTER’ youth art platform will take place at the Korsaks’ Museum on May, 17 at 5:00 p.m.

Розміщення роботи з Ксенія Ко / IDIKOMNEKO від ‘Empathy’ проект як частина ‘ENTER’ вашої архітектурної платформи буде зайняти місце на Korsaks’ Museum on May, 17 at 5:00 pm

We invite you to the event!

Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1
‘Adrenaline City’ культурно-інформаційний центр

Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00
Sat-Sun: 11:00-20:00
066 142 51 18

19.05. at 5:00 p.m., the Korsaks’ Museum will host the opening of Vladyslav and Oleksandra Kryshovsky’s project “Ghosts of the Fields”!

19.05. at 5:00 pm, Korsaks’ Museum буде host openning of Vladyslav and Oleksandra Kryshovsky’s project “Ghosts of the Fields”!

We invite you!


Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1
KRC “Adrenaline City”

Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00
Sat-Sun: 11:00-20:00
066 142 51 18

We invite you to the Korsaks’ Museum to the international offline art forum ‘Cosmogony in art’ which will take place on May 5 at 10:00 a.m.

We invite you to the Korsaks’ Museum to international offline art forum ‘Cosmogony in art’, що йтиме на May 5 at 10:00 am

Forum займе місце в рамках кадру проекту ‘COSMOGONY’.

Говоритимуть про те, як космічні та cosmogonic motifs influence the work of painters, sculptors, writers та інших артистів.

Let’s consider what techniques and styles are used to depict the cosmos in art, what ideas and philosophical concepts are hidden in the works that cause a sense of wonder and unusualness.

Чоловіки будуть здатні до розгортання філософських концепцій і думок, що вони підтримуються мистецтвом – темами створення світу, земної сфери в cosmos, пізнання та exploration unknown, і багато інших.

Forum є великою платформою для здобуття вашої професійної громади та комунікації з більш-менш людей, і може бути ідентифікувати свій професійний статус у галузі мистецтва та культури.

Participation in the forum: FREE!

Register here: https://bit.ly/41ktwEi



The Korsaks` Museum of Modern Ukrainian Art announces a competition for participation in an art project

“Cosmogony of senses”✨

Applications will be accepted from March 23 to April 23, 2023.

Project exhibition dates: June 9 – September 30, 2023.

At the end of the selection tour, the MSUMK will hold an exhibition of the best works and create a catalog.

Details of participation:

• Application submission period: 03/23/2023 – 04/23/2023;

• The type of art, the size and technique of works are arbitrary;

• Confirmation of participation in the project:

Photo report or video report on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) with the hashtag #Космогонія_сенсів and tagging the museum page;

A letter with publication links to the post office of MSUMK ([email protected])

• The works selected by the Expert Council will be included in the exhibition at the MSUMK

• Each participant will receive a catalog that will be created at the end of the project.

For all the details, contact us in private on social networks or by phone number 066 142 51 18


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Sorry, this entry is only available in Українська and Deutsch.
