Petro Malishko «Painting. Sculpture. Graphics»
(27.04. – 17.08.2018)

The gallery of contemporary art Art Kafedra having initiated the “A Step on the Way of the Art” project, set itself the task to involve young people, promote their unification around the artist’s common mission, to get acquainted them with new names in fine arts, etc.
This time under the aegis of the Art Kafedra a presentation of works of the pupils of the Lutsk Children’s Art School took place, as a result of which 15 young artists were able to present their paintings to a review of professional artists and artistic critics.
“The name of this exhibition project is “Melodies of the Past”, because these works are all grouped around the history of Ukraine, folk traditions of the nation and our region, important epoch-making events. The art school is like an institution, since the education lasts for as long as 6 years, and the first teacher not only shows the foundations of painting, but also instills love for a kind of, culture, country, leads through the world as a friend mom. And the results of work at this stage of maturation is extremely important to share, so the Art Kafedra is glad to cooperate with the art school so that the whole city could see your work”, – the managing partner of the gallery, Lesia Korsak said.
“I am a nationalist, so my heart is happy at such exhibitions. Not only because there are images and motives for my image, I am happy as a critic and art historian, because I see how you are trained under the professional gaze of talented teachers. That is how the national elite can grow, when it gets the foundation. Of course, not all of you will become artists, but you are spiritually rich, able to see everything in different way,”- convinced art critic Zoya Navrotska.
Teachers of the art school Galyna Ivashkiv, Vira Konska, Lyudmya Salinska, who helped to create the pictures for their pupils in the “Melodies of the Past”, said that children always try to understand the topic of Ukrainian traditions, customs, national identity deeper, discuss the knowledge gained with friends and parents.
The congress of monarchs, folk festivals, wedding traditions of cutting of the back-hair, round dances on the graves – these and other events, ceremonies and actions began to embody young adults who are adult in their attitudes.
The exposition can be viewed at the art cafe Stop Kadr.
Gallery of street art Polychrome
stimulates the creation of new artistic centers and art objects;
ensures the development of contemporary urban art and the promotion of young artists.