(Українська) Чим Музей сучасного українського мистецтва Корсаків дивуватиме у жовтні

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(Українська) ІННОВАЦІЙНО: У Луцьку запрацювала Мала Академія сучасного мистецтва

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Album-monograph «The Sealed Circle of Carl Zvirynskyi» − winner of the 2019 Publishers Forum in the category «Scientific Literature»

Album-monograph «The Sealed Circle of Carl Zvirynskyi» winner of the 2019 Publishers Forum in the category «Scientific Literature»

Album-monograph «The Sealed Circle of Carl Zvirinskyi»,which was brought to the Publishers Forum in Lviv by its author – Bohdan Misyuga and the founders of the Korsak’s Museum of the Contemporary Ukrainian Art − Victor and Lesya Korsaks, became the winner in the category« Scientific Literature »

In the scientific illustrated album-monograph, for the first time, the activity of one of the centers of the alternative art of Lviv of the 1960s − «The Sealed Circle of Carl Zvirinskyi», the creativity of its participants against the background of artistic processes of Ukraine and the world, has been systematically elucidated.

For the first time the earliest works of Karl Zvirinskyi and his students were collected in a single scientific context: these are: Roman Petruk, Oleg Minko, Bogdan Soika, Zenoviy Flint, Andriy Bokotey, Oleksandra Tsegelska, Ivan Marchuk, Petro Grytsyk,  Petro Markovych. Quotations from the interview, tables, and lecture notes reveal the truth about the activities of his «underground academy» and the essence of the Master’s creative method.

Most of the artifacts of the study were exhibited in the large-scale exhibition project «Sealed Circle of Carl Zvirynskyi» (29.03-2.06.2019) within the framework of the «Genesis» research platform of the Korsak’s Museum of the Contemporary Ukrainian Art in Lutsk. The publication is interesting for art critics, historians and theorists of the arts, cultural scientists and artists, anyone interested in the Ukrainian art.

Видання побачило світ завдяки Музею сучасного українського мистецтва Корсаків та автору – викладачу Львівської національної академії мистецтв Богдану Мисюзі.

(Українська) У Музеї сучасного українського мистецтва Корсаків виступлять учасники ІІ Міжнародного літературного фестивалю «Фронтера»

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(Українська) Музей сучасного українського мистецтва Корсаків на Форумі видавців представить унікальне видання «Герметичне коло Карла Звіринського»

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(Українська) «Крок на шляху мистецтва»: Артур Вирста запрошує на виставку містичних пейзажів

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(Українська) 21 вересня – День відкритих дверей в Музеї Корсаків!

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Bella Logachova presented pictures from « GRAY ZONE. THE WAR IS WITHIN TOUCH » in the Korsaks’ Museum

For the year of existence the Korsaks’ Museum of the Contemporary Ukrainian Art presented many unique art projects, so it would seem difficult to surprise the viewer. However, Bella Logachova’s presentation of «THE OBSERVATION» is truly special: it combines the diversity of nature, human life and modern technology.

The opening ceremony took place on September 6, the exhibition will be open for a month, but in order to understand the author’s intention, one has to listen to her words, to her inner experiences, which are, first of all, relevant to the present.

Bella Logachova was born in Mariupol, now lives and works in Kharkiv, and among other artists she is distinguished by the deep experience of what is happening today in the east of this country. War is a wound that bleeds Ukraine and this can’t  be silent. Actually, this is what the artist wants, reflecting in her works how nature, birds, animals react and how people survive there, in the “gray zone”.

Managing partner of the Korsaks’ Museum, Lesya Korsak, greeted the author and all, who were present and remarked: « Here in the west of the country, we are a little distant from the war, though we remember that the war is ongoing. Bella has brought us into a state of reality, a horrible reality, and these works of hers are as from another world… They should be seen by as many people as possible».
