The opening of the group exhibition project of Denys Tymchyshyn and Denys Shymansky “Lines of Time” will take place in the Korsaks` Museum.

17.11. at 18:00 the opening of the group exhibition project of Denys Tymchyshyn and Denys Shymansky “Lines of Time” will take place in the Korsaks` Museum.


Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1

Adrenaline City

Mon-Fri: 12:00–20:00

Sat-Sun: 11:00–20:00
066 142 51 18

On October 21, at 6:00 p.m., the Korsaks` Museum will host a presentation of the works of Larysa Stadnyk “The world is interesting for me” as part of the youth art platform “ENTER”

On October 21, at 6:00 p.m., the Korsaks` Museum will host a presentation of the works of Larysa Stadnyk “The world is interesting for me” as part of the youth art platform “ENTER”

We invite you to the event!

Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1

“Adrenaline City” shopping center

Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00

Sat-Sun: 11:00-20:00

066 142 51 18

October 13 and 14 – the first PERFORMANCE WEEKEND at the Korsaks` Museum of Modern Ukrainian Art!

October 13 and 14 – the first PERFORMANCE WEEKEND at the Korsaks` Museum of Modern Ukrainian Art!

The performative weekend is built into the concept of the Cosmogony of Senses project, where there are five elements.

Each of the five invited performers will dive into the theme of the elements and show the viewer their personal work, which will be recorded and will remain on the project as an artifact and video documentation of the work.

During the two-day weekend, a lot of interesting things await the audience – unforgettable performances by participants, author’s lectures and discussions, an educational open space for young people, a tour of the “Cosmogony of Senses” project.

ADMISSION to the Performance Weekend – TICKET to the KORSAKS` MUSEUM!

Don’t miss this exciting Performance Weekend where art and the elements come together to create something incredible.

We are waiting for you on October 13 and 14!


St. Karbysheva, 1

Korsaks` Museum of Modern Ukrainian Art


October 13, Friday
16:30 – 17:10 Opening. Tour of the Cosmogony of Senses project.
17:10 – 18:00 Artist talk “The body as reality. Andriy Utenkov (Odesa) & Yevgenia Feiner (Kharkiv).
18:00 – 18:10 Video documentation of the performance of the participant of the “Cosmogony of Senses” project – Terra Neidorf (Kyiv) “Flight of Life. The road to death.”
18:30 – 19:00 “Prayer” performance by Maria Drozdova (Kharkiv), participant of the “Cosmogony of Senses” project.
7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Performance by Natalia Lisova (Kyiv) “WASH”

(Українська) Львівський академічний театр імені Леся Курбаса Театр Леся Курбаса / Les Kurbas Theatre представляє виставу – поетичну інсталяцію “Формули екстази” за поезіями Богдана Ігоря Антонича

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(Українська) Вистава IMPERIUM DELENDUM EST

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(Українська) 24 серпня Музей Корсаків відкриє найбільший художній проєкт 2023 року — “Космогонія сенсів”!

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(Українська) 25.08 о 18:00 в Музеї Корсаків відбудеться відкриття проєкту Франсуази Оз та Богдана Перевертуна “Металеві сльози”!

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24 серпня Музей Корсаків відкриє найбільший художній проєкт 2023 року — “Космогонія сенсів”!

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21.07 at 5:00 p.m. the Korsaks’ Museum will host the opening of Veronika Cherednychenko’s project ‘HBK’!

21.07 at 5:00 p.m. the Korsaks’ Museum will host the opening of Veronika Cherednychenko’s project ‘HBK’!

We invite you!


Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1
cultural and entertainment center ‘Adrenaline City’

Mon-Fri: 12:00–20:00
Sat-Sun: 11:00–20:00
066 142 51 18

On July 18 at 6:00 p.m., a painting master class by Lev Skop will be held at the Korsaks` Museum of Modern Ukrainian Art

The Korsaks’ Museum invite you to a painting master class by famous Ukrainian artist, icon painter і teacher of monumental painting, Levko Skop. Це буде жити на 18 липня о 6:00 у Корсаках.

‘Every Person can draw. Але не все це/славитиметься до творчості, там буде не пункт. Беззастережний рівень працездатності, безупинна праця на творчості будь-хто створить, або дає, великі моменти життєдіяльності після роботи є повним’, Lev Skop says.

Duration of the master class: 1.5 hours.

Cost: UAH 250.
Materials are included in the price.

Age категорії: 12+

