

Vladyslav and Oleksandra Kryshovsky “Ghosts of the Fields”

Now on ‘Ukrainska pravda. Zhytia’ you can read how the Korsaks’ Museum lives during the war, how it unites Ukrainian artists and how the largest art project of Ukraine during the statehood – ‘Cosmogony’ – is implemented

Now on ‘Ukrainska pravda. Zhytia’ you can read how the Korsaks’ Museum lives during the war, how it unites Ukrainian artists and how the largest art project of Ukraine during the statehood – ‘Cosmogony’ – is implemented.

We are incredibly grateful for the visit of journalist Hanna Shchokan, who told about her own trip to our museum and described it ‘as a safety, rest and meditative space’ in the article.

We invite you to read it using the link:


(Українська) 09/07/23 о 17:00 у Музеї Корсаків відбудеться показ перформативної вистави «Вихід з тіні» у рамках проєкту «руйНАЦІЯ» Віктора та Наталії Проданчуків

Sorry, this entry is only available in Українська.

(Українська) 08.07 о 17:00 відбудеться відкриття п’ятої воєнної фотовиставки “Небесний фотограф” – солдата ЗСУ, фотографа та активіста міста Ковеля — Максима Бурди

Sorry, this entry is only available in Українська.

On June 28, at 5:00 p.m., the Korsaks` Museum will host the opening of the exhibition “Ukrainian Abstractionism: Dance of the Neocortex”

On June 28, at 5:00 p.m., the Korsaks` Museum will host the opening of the exhibition “Ukrainian Abstractionism: Dance of the Neocortex”

We invite you!

Free entrance.

Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1
“Adrenaline City” shopping center

Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00
Sat-Sun: 11:00-20:00
066 142 51 18

23.06. at 5:00 p.m. the Korsaks’ Museum will host the opening of Levko Skop’s project “Moments of Chaos in the Subconscious”!

23.06. at 5:00 The Korsaks ‘Museum буде host openning of Levko Skop’s project “Моменті Chaos in the Subconscious”!

We invite you!


Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1
KRC “Adrenaline City”

⏰ Mon-Fri: 12:00–20:00
⏰ Sat-Sun: 11:00–20:00
066 142 51 18

A presentation of works by Kseniia Ko / IDIKOMNEKO from the ‘Empathy’ project as part of the ‘ENTER’ youth art platform will take place at the Korsaks’ Museum on May, 17 at 5:00 p.m.

Розміщення роботи з Ксенія Ко / IDIKOMNEKO від ‘Empathy’ проект як частина ‘ENTER’ вашої архітектурної платформи буде зайняти місце на Korsaks’ Museum on May, 17 at 5:00 pm

We invite you to the event!

Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1
‘Adrenaline City’ культурно-інформаційний центр

Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00
Sat-Sun: 11:00-20:00
066 142 51 18

19.05. at 5:00 p.m., the Korsaks’ Museum will host the opening of Vladyslav and Oleksandra Kryshovsky’s project “Ghosts of the Fields”!

19.05. at 5:00 pm, Korsaks’ Museum буде host openning of Vladyslav and Oleksandra Kryshovsky’s project “Ghosts of the Fields”!

We invite you!


Lutsk, str. Karbysheva, 1
KRC “Adrenaline City”

Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00
Sat-Sun: 11:00-20:00
066 142 51 18

Viktor and Nataliya Prodanchuk “ruyNATSIA”

Viktor and Nataliya Prodanchuk “ruyNATSIA”
