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Month: October 2019
(Українська) Подія місяця: у листопаді Михайло Барабаш покаже у Музеї сучасного українського мистецтва Корсаків MEDIAHUMAN
Les Poderevyanskyi brought « Kultur-Natur» to the Korsaks’ Museum of the Contemporary Ukrainian Art
A remarkable event took place at the Museum of the Contemporary Ukrainian Art− the presentation of the« Kultur-Natur» exhibition. The works of three well-known artists – the artist and playwright Les Podurevyanskyi, his daughter Anastasia Poderevyanska and son-in-law Alexander Smirnov – were presented on October 10 within the verge of the museum.
Les Poderevyanskyi himself came to the opening of the exhibition, so there were many visitors to the museum that evening − many residents and visitors of the city came to take an autograph, chat and take a picture with a famous artist.
Speaking to those in attendance, Les Podervianskyi urged to enjoy painting as a gourmet meal at a restaurant.
During the event, everyone was able to chat with the artist, get autographs and take pictures together.